Theatrical Design
This video takes a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on in set design and construction for a theatrical performance.
Alice Morgan had always been interested in Fine Arts, but realised it was hard to make a living as an artist, so when her friend was working in Set Design for Opera Australia, Alice decided to do some work experience and discovered she loved designing and constructing sets.
Alice went to the Enmore Design Centre in 2004 and studied Events and Entertainment, learning about corporate event management. Still passionate about design, she applied to NIDA three times during this time, but initially wasn't accepted because she was too young. Finally accepted into NIDA, Alice began the 3-year Design Course in 2005 focusing on design for set and costume.
Having worked on a number of productions while at NIDA, Alice graduated in 2007, and has been working steadily in theatres around Sydney. The hours are long, especially just before a production begins, it can be anywhere from 18 to 24 hour days to make sure the set is ready on time. Because it is freelance work, its important to make many contacts and work in the industry.
Costume and set design can be done at TAFE and courses run at NIDA. Graduates can expect to work in theatre, film and television in design and construction of sets, props and costuming, which is needed on all dramatic productions.