The World in 3D
Approximately 15 students from Canterbury Boys High School will have a taste of product design at Enmore TAFE's Design Centre. Product design teacher Robert Reid chats to the students about product design and how important it is to have your own website to display your work.
The students will be creating a digital portfolio via an electronic template which they can then save as a .pdf and take home. They will be using Microsoft Powerpoint to create their portfolio.
The students are participating under the Inner Western Sydney Business Education Partnership. This is a local community partnership (LCP) which assists in addressing the skills shortage in Australia by getting school students interested in careers. This LCP has 26 schools it works with.
They talk to TAFE about their courses on offer and then organise something interesting for young people, giving an option to schools to participate.
The Product Design course gives school students a taste of the TAFE course. The hope is to get them excited about further study as the workshop is hands on and a bit of fun.
Robert Reid has been teaching for 30 years. He started in industrial ceramics and then re-trained in digital when he saw that as the future.