TAFE Directors Australia – East Asia Summit, TVET Provider Network Workshop
The establishment of a network of TVET providers among the 18 countries comprising the East Asia Summit moved a step closer to completion with an intensive three-day workshop in Melbourne from 14th to 16th November 2012.
Thirty representatives from 15 of the 18 countries workshopped the goals and structure of the proposed network and were joined by representatives from SEAMEO VOCTECH, the Australian government (DIISRTE, AusAID, Austrade, Trade Recognition Australia), peak bodies (ACPET, IEAA) and TDA’s corporate sponsors, Ellucian and ETS TOEFL. A video message from UNESCO UNEVOC was also shown during the workshop.
The delegates also experienced a hands-on training session at Angliss Institute and attended the Australian Training Awards where the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, Senator the Hon Chris Evans greeted the delegation.
The next stages of the project will include a detailed report from the workshop, ongoing collaboration and communication between the delegates, and a conference in 2013 to be hosted by the Republic of Korea.
The establishment of this network is being led by TAFE Directors Australia, on behalf of the Australian government, and the Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, on behalf of the Republic of Korea.