Software Cubilisious @ WorldSkills
We meet Nick at the WorldSkills National Competition 2008, who has a curious and analytical mind, as we see by his superb ability to pull apart computers and re-assemble Rubix cubes!
Category Background:
There are five competitors in this category, two females, three males. The competitors are given a scenario in which the aim is to promote Sydney. They then have to build a system using Microsoft Excel, Access and Powerpoint. This year the competition has been stepped up in difficulty. Based on the competition in last year’s WorldSkills International in Japan, the system being used is Microsoft Office 2007 and the level of complexity has increased to increase our chances in next year’s international competition in Canada.
About Nick:
Nick has always grown up in a house full of computers and all nine computers in his household have been built by his family members! Nick is currently in Year 12, studying Information Processes Technology, in which he is currently coming first place in his school. He has also studied Design and Technology in Multimedia. If he had his way, he would be studying all IT subjects available in the HSC.
Nick's father specialises in building base parts for computers. His brother is involved in network administration for most of Australia. He actually did the same TAFE course as Nick and, five years ago, entered the regional level of WorldSkills with a day’s notice, coming second.
Nick’s idea of being outdoors is sitting under a tree with his laptop and typing!