Skills Recognised
COAG's (The Council of Australian Governments) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Project is jointly funded over three years from 2006 to 2009 by the Australian Government and the Australian Capital Territorial (ACT) Government to simplify the RPL process by:
- trialling and evaluating a web enabled self assessment tool -
- investigating evidence requirements against work activities
- developing training plans for gap training Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) on the Strategic Priorities Program (SPP) Panel of Approved Providers can apply for SPP funding to deliver gap training identified in this project under pilot programs.
Recognition of Prior Learning is a process that recognises a student's current skills and experience regardless of where and when the learning occurred. Evidence may include: interview/professional conversation; observation and questioning, including workplace visits; portfolio of work, which may include completed assessment items from previous study; supplementary assessment tasks or challenge test - oral, written or practical; assessment where no training is involved; trade test authentication of evidence by supervisor or employer. Applications for RPL are based on whole competencies: students can base their application on any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. Students will need to contact their institute for information on the RPL process.
Liam, having completed a Certificate III in childcare, was working at a child care centre and being paid at the qualification rate. The only problem was that Liam had much more experience and job responsibility than his qualification indicated and his wage recognised. Through the Recognition of Prior Learning initiative Liam undertook skills testing and further work place training through RTO - Optimum Training and Development to gain qualifications in line with his experience and skills. Now he is Room Leader at the centre and trains other childcare workers plus gets paid a lot more. If it weren’t for RPL, Liam would not have afforded the time to attend tech to do extra training. Now Liam has a Diploma in Childcare. RPL can help bridge so many training and workplace gaps. If you want to work in child care even your time spent baby-sititing can be taken into account to help you gain access to a course or job.