Skilled Art
Prue Royle is a founding director of the International School of Colour and Design and an expert teacher and mentor.
Prue, a leading educator, trend researcher and specialist, studies and records social influences such as environmental issues, ‘street smart’ cultures, politics, fashion, colour, and design in a variety of socio-demographic areas. Her belief is that we reflect our social trends in a variety of visual forms such as advertising, fashion, media, the built environment and our use of colour.
In the video Prue informs us about skill development and training in the visual arts and shows us what students are creating and what this practical and stimulating course can lead to. Students only 7 months into the foundational course are already working with commercial design - indeed a lot of the course at the ISCD are run and taught by industry professionals.
Prue says that the school is considerate of the different levels and needs of students, which it caters for.
Interesting: tone is what makes up the emotional element in art, not the colour itself!