Heavy Vehicle Mechanics @ Worldskills
Heavy Vehicle Mechanics is an exciting life-long trade choice. From losing a lung through cancer, David Cromie has acquired positivity, enthusiasm and a strong work-ethic which has helped him prosper in his chosen career. He chats to SkillsOne at the WorldSkills 2008 National Competition in Sydney.
About Heavy Vehicle Mechanics At WorldSkills:
Similar to normal car mechanics, Heavy Vehicle Mechanics work mainly on larger diesel engines. They work on trucks, buses, land-rovers and large CAT trucks in the mines. Work involves the maintenance of large engines and vehicles, including diagnosing, overhauling, repairing and tuning engines.
Competitors must testing various vehicle systems, brakes, diesel, electronic control, hydraulics etc. and find and fix faults. The last bit is to do a rebuild of each section that they have been working on.
About David:
David Cromie has just finished a heavy vehicle mechanic apprenticeship in the Australian Army and is competing with only one lung, as he lost his left lung due to cancer whilst he was doing his apprenticeship.
David has an old XY Falcon which he is rebuilding from the chassis up. He’s been working on this for three years and plans to finish it soon and eventually drag race it.