Equine Training at the AACC
Equine studies is offered at four of the five colleges of the Australian Agricultural College Corporation. SkillsOne hears from instructors and students about the course offered in Equine studies. We find out about the skills learnt, including breeding, handling, branding and vaccinations. Even inexperienced students can succeed at the College - with short courses up to Diplomas.
The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) was formed in 2005 when the Australian College of Tropical Agriculture (incorporating Burdekin Agricultural College and Mareeba Environmental College), Dalby Agricultural College, Emerald Agricultural College and Longreach Pastoral College joined forces.
AACC combines more than 130 years' experience in agricultural education and training in a range of specialisations, across five campuses located in a range of different geographic and climatic regions.
The AACC has training grounds totaling 59 800 hectares throughout Queensland.
Video Courtesy of the AACC.