Celebrity Cookoff
A cook-off at the Easter Show? Sounds delicious!
Lyndey Milan is a Celebrity Chef who chats about the real-world applications of a cook-off, and demonstrates her talent for and enthusiasm for fine food.
Lyndey Milan competes with Ian Armstrong in a Celebrity cook-off to create an exciting meal.
She also offers advice for people wanting to enter the hospitality industry, and what they need to to to be a success.
About Lyndey:
Lyndey Milan is an energetic, multi-award-winning communicator, author, teacher and presenter on all things gastronomic. Food director of The Australian Women's Weekly for more than seven years, she is co-host of Fresh with The Australian Women's Weekly daily on the Nine Network and makes a weekly appearance on Mornings with Kerri-Anne.
She holds honorary positions including RAS councillor, is a past president of both the Food Media Club Australia Inc. and The Wine Press Club of NSW and is on the food and wine tourism advisory committee for Tourism NSW. She won the Fine Wine Partners Award for best food and wine writing in The Vittoria Australian Food Media Awards 2006 for her book Balance - Matching Food and Wine: What Works and Why (Lothian) co-authored with Colin Corney and won a highly commended for best radio segment with Murray Wilton from The Good Life on 2GB.