2012 is The Australian Year of the Farmer
Australian Year of the Farmer celebrates the hard work of everyone involved in producing, processing, handling and selling products from 136,000 farms across the country. Australian farms and the industries that support them generate more than $405 billion each year, that's 27% of our GDP.
The celebration was conceived by Australian Year of the Farmer Directors, Geoff Bell and Philip Bruem. Geoff and Philip wanted more people to appreciate the fresh food and quality materials our farmers produce to keep us fed, clothed and sheltered. And so, the concept has grown into a national celebration, one which will reach every Australian – reminding us that our farmers sustain the Australian way of life and the economy.
Australian Year of the Farmer is about celebrating and enriching the connections between rural and urban Australia. We want you to take time out of your busy day to think about how farming affects your life, there's more to this agribusiness than meets the eye.
What are you going to do in 2012 to celebrate?