Star Rating Scheme – TAFE NSW, Sydney Institute
The training centre for Food Processing and Technology at TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute is proud to receive the two-star rating as the preferred provider of training for this specialist field. TAFE NSW - Syd Institute are part of the Allied Health and Life Sciences section at Sydney Institute where close to 500 students enrol each year, and are the preferred provider of traineeships for industry leaders in the specialist field of Food Processing and Technology, with current clients including Tom and Franks Allstates and the Correctional Services industry (CSI).
The TAFE's Food Technology teaching staff are dedicated, passionate and have relevant experience in the industry, and they train students from Cert I to IV level in Food Processing and Cert IV in Laboratory Techniques to Diploma in Laboratory Technology (Food Testing).
Sydney Institute of TAFE has Training Solutions courses in Chemical Instrumentation and also are currently involved in the Cert III Plant Operation traineeships at Qenos.
Food Processing graduates qualify to participate safely and efficiently in the operations of food manufacturing processes and those completing Certificate III and IV can take on supervisory roles. Diploma in Laboratory Technology (Food Testing) graduates also participate in the operations of manufacturing processes but usually in higher supervisory and managerial roles. These roles may involve implementing HACCP and Food Safety, Quality Control,/Assurance, Product Development and Technical Sales. They work as Technical Assistants, Technicians, Instrument Operators, and Analysts predominantly in the Food Industry but also in the related Chemical and sometimes in the Pharmaceutical Industries.
Sydney Institute of TAFE can deliver on site tailored training as well as provide access to Food Processing Sensory Testing, Microbiology, Wet Chemistry and Chemical Instrumentation Work Simulated Laboratories within the Sydney Institute’s Ultimo College .