SOLD! on careers in Real Estate with REIQ
Real Estate is a dynamic profession. There are multiple pathways into the industry, ranging form traineeships to university study. It is an industry that offers many roles and career pathways. It is a profession about building relationships, the crucial link between buyer and seller, tenant and landlord.
Pamela Bennett is passionate about her industry. She has represented at the very highest levels and continues to oversee the Real Institute of Queensland. Starting at the bottom as a TAFE student, she is indicative of the rewards as dedicated self-starter can achieve in the industry.
The Real Estate Institute of Queensland is the state's peak professional association for the real estate industry since 1918. Its membership includes more than 15,000 agents, salespeople, property managers, resident unit managers, auctioneers, business brokers and commercial agents. The REIQ provides support to the industry through political advocacy, research and training.