Engineering a plan
SkillsOne heads to D+E AirConditioning, to learn what's involved in being a a mechanical engineer. We chat to Daniel Sullivan about what interested him in the industry.
He works in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, water pipe work. He shares an example of a site plan.
Daniel shares that mechanical engineers don't just get involved in automotive.
We also chat to Michael Wapsas, a draft person about what's involved in the job. He shares his his previous experience in graphic design helped in the industry.
About D & E Air Conditioning:
D & E Air Conditioning is a leading provider of air conditioning and mechanical services in Australia. D & E’s engineers use their experience to create and construct small and large scale air conditioning solutions to clients. They currently have five people in the engineering team.
D & E Air Conditioning is part of the Hastie Group, a large conglomerate of a number of companies involved in building and engineering services and refrigeration systems for the commercial, industrial and infrastructure sectors.
About Daniel:
Daniel Sullivan is the Engineering Manager at D & E Air Conditioning. He’s been a mechanical engineer for six years, since graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering from RMIT in Melbourne. After completing his degree, Daniel spent some time working in the petroleum industry overseas, working with mining, automotive and oil products.
He enjoys being a mechanical engineer, and particularly likes the opportunities that his career offers him. There are many jobs available in a number of different industries, as well as the opportunity to travel if he desires.
About Michael:
Michael Wapsas did his drafting apprenticeship through the AMCA and has now been a drafts person with D & E Air Conditioning for six years. Years ago he had been studying graphic design, was also working for a company that manufactured parts for air conditioners.
His boss at the time noticed his interest in both drawing and manufacturing and suggested that Michael look into becoming a drafts person. He enjoys being a drafts person and particularly likes the problem solving aspect of his job. He likens it to working on a giant 3D puzzle every day.
He believes that to be a good drafts person you need to have good problem solving skills, the ability to think outside the square and a good memory.