Central Coast Career Pathways Expo 2015
The Central Coast Career Pathways Expo is the region's biggest expo event attracting up to 5,000 Year 10, 11 and 12 students from across the Central Coast each year. The expo gives these students the opportunity to gather information from over 200 exhibitors about careers, courses and jobs they are interested in. Exhibitors are grouped into 17 industry areas – including employer and professional associations, TAFE, universities, colleges, training providers and employment agencies. This year SkillsOne was on site to capture all the highlights from the day.
SkillsOne also hosted a ‘Theatre Showcase’, which ran in conjunction with the Expo. The Showcase aimed to inspire students to connect their passion to a career pathway and highlighted the many varied and exciting careers available through Vocational Education and Training. SkillsOne used video, animation and music in a creative and engaging manner to highlight emerging Industry trends and pathways such as Digital Careers, Tourism, Hospitality, Agribusiness, Building and Construction, Creative Industries and more.