Works of Steel Apprentice
OneSteel is Australia’s premier manufacturer of steel long products and a leading metals distribution company. OneSteel and Smorgon Steel, two great names in Australian steel making, are now a single entity, offering services such as minerals extraction through to metal recycling.
Kurt Huempel is a fourth year electrical apprentice in the OneSteel's Melt Shop. He is a no-nonsense young fellow who says he would die of boredom if he had to work a desk job!
Kurt works on maintaining and fixing the machinery that automate the melting process. He is an electrician in instrumentation and will be moving into the condition monitoring area where he will monitor the reliability of equipment.
Working in industry as an electrician allows you to work all the way across different areas to residential and other commercial operations. OH&S is always a primary concern for any electrician and Kurt has to up-date his CPR and first aid certificate each year. Kurt loves working for OneSteel and says it is very hands on and interesting, much better than sticking your head in a book all day!