Work Placement, Are You Ready? – Part 1
The NSW Department of Education in conjunction with SkillsOne Television has produced Work Placement, Are You Ready? a series of five videos.
The video series supports and assists teachers in improving their understanding of Work Placement, its benefits to the community and importantly the students.
View first-hand accounts from employers and teachers on their experiences and the very positive outcomes from the program.
The series contains facts about the program, and guidelines on how to achieve the best possible results.
As many as 60,000 HSC VET students undertake Structured Work Placement across NSW each year, and nearly 30,000 employers participate in the Work Placement coordination program. The majority of employers in the program are small enterprises employing less fewer than 50 staff.
Overall, employers provide around 2.2 million hours of Work Placement for students enrolled in HSC ICF VET courses each year.
A number of inspiring stories are also shared in the videos with the aim to inspire, motivate, and increase the awareness of work placement’s valuable role in developing students into future employees.